Friday, April 15, 2016

5 signs it may be time to day-wean your baby

Sophie is turning one in just a few short days, and that's crazy to believe! I am very lucky that I was able to nurse her with ease, and my supply was so good I even was able to donate milk to a few other babies. She is still going strong and nursing throughout the day and night. However, I've started seeing a few signs that maybe it's time to cut out some of those day nursings, and thought I'd share.

1. She's one motor-boating son (or daughter) of a gun.
We were on a tour of an apartment complex. I was carrying Sophie and could tell she was getting hungry. Right in the middle of a conversation about utility costs, she leaned in and planted her face firmly in my cleavage. That wasn't enough of course. She had to let me know she needed to eat by making so fun noises while she was down there, while moving her head from side to side. Fortunately I'm an adult and handled it by going bright red and giggling nervously. I'm certain the leasing agent barely noticed.

2. She treats you like it's Mardi Gras and she wants some beads.
We were walking in the hallway at church, making our way to the mothers room so I can nurse her, and one of the other mothers stops briefly to chat. Sophie does not appreciate the distraction from her lunch (fair enough, who would?) and takes this opportunity to subtly let me know that she'd prefer I keep heading in the direction of food. By pulling my shirt down. As far as it goes. Not sure this is what those blogs mean when they say to teach your kids sign language so they can tell you it's time to eat, although in her defense it is crystal clear what she'd like!

3. You feel like the constant victim of a very handsy TSA agent.
Are you getting a constant pat down? Poked, prodded, and rubbed? Either you've been randomly selected for screening or you're nursing your one year old. Girl can't just sit and eat - she's gotta search around like the nations security is in her hands. But I'd better not try and stop her - that'll set off the alarms. And by alarms, I mean her screeching. At least it's good practice for my next trip.

4. You've got hickies, but not the fun kind.
You know that amazing ability to pick up small things she's learned that I'm so proud of? Well, picking up Cheerios and choking hazards is old news. She now uses it to pinch me. Constantly. And if you've ever had siblings, you'll know that pinched skin leaves tiny little marks that look suspiciously like mini hickies. The best part about it is that due to her location and her reach, they're all in that golden area - right around my neck. Joy.

And finally: 
5. Teeth.
Do I really need to explain this one? This baby sadist looooooves to use her teeth. She has four now. Big old nope.

As much as I love my snuggles, and love getting a chance to curl up with my little love, I think it's time to start throwing some rules down here. Do I think it'll work? Probably not. I know who calls the shots, and it's definitely not me. 

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