Friday, February 5, 2016

Nesting... Almost...

Gratuitous Sophie photo - how cute is this little stinker?

Due to the fact that a month before Sophie was born, we moved to Washington and into my parents house, I never got to set up a nursery for her or do the typical "nesting" stuff. When we finally put her crib up in my mum's yoga room, I did have a lot of fun making bunting for her room and putting it up, but that was as far as it got. However, if all goes as plans, we will be moving sometime over the summer, and I finally get to decorate a room for Sophie! I am seriously thrilled. Seriously. This is what I have thus far!

I realized I am missing a few things, and this all looks a bit neutral, but I like that! Her toys are so bright and cheerful, they will brighten it up nicely! We have a few of the big pieces already (crib, dresser) but need a lot more to finish it. I can't wait to get it all set up! What do you guys think? Any suggestions?


  1. Congrats on the upcoming new digs! How exciting. I really love the muted shades.

  2. Big fan! Can't wait to visit! ...but what about a book shelf?
