Sunday, October 25, 2015

Adventures in Sleep Training

Sophie was that dream baby that started sleeping through the night at a very young age. Lucky me! At one month she was sleeping six hours and at two months she was sleeping eight hours. Then, at four months she started waking up every. Three. Hours. 


So at her six month appointment, her doctor suggested something I've been dreading - it's time for Sophie to sleep in her own room. She started out in a bassinet, then moved into a crib, but would somehow always end up in our bed. We weren't getting any sleep either! So last week we moved her crib into her own room. Not our room. Away. Down the hall. I dunno if you can tell, but I'm not a huge fan of it. Ideally, we'd have a massive King bed that we'd all share comfortably until Sophie turns three and decides to magically sleep in her own bed. I'll wait for you to stop laughing before I go on...

Sophie doesn't seem to mind sleeping in a different room than us! She won't nap in her crib, but it's a start at least. I am having to get up midway through the night but her wake up time is getting closer and closer to actual morning!

Cutest part? She is happy to fall asleep in her crib at night, as long as I hold her hand through the bars of the crib! Not super comfortable for me, but ohhhh so cute!

Anyone have any tips for me? I'm missing my eight hour nights...

1 comment:

  1. I, for one, am excited that for you to finally get some good sleep (and I'll bet Steve is too!)
