Friday, May 20, 2016

Near death experience!

Okay that might be a slight exaggeration. I'm getting a bit click-baity with these blog titles. Sorry.

But seriously. Near death experience! Sophie and I were driving to pick Steve up Thursday. I was driving our 4Runner and took a turn slightly too fast. It was a little sharper of a turn than I expected. It was rainy. 

And we hydroplaned. Of course, all of my knowledge and education, and all of the lectures dad gave me went straight out the window. I panicked! I immediately did the two things you're NOT SUPPOSED TO DO. I slammed on my brakes and yanked my wheel. Idiot. We swerved to the right, then swerved to the left and did a 270 turn, ending up in the other lane of traffic, pointing toward the sidewalk. Through miracle of miracles, there was a red light up ahead and zero traffic on the roads, which seriously was amazing since it was 4:30pm in the Highlands! 

I was freaking out like crazy! I drove the rest of the short way at about 5 mph and immediately burst into tears upon seeing Steve. I didn't quite explain what happened through the tears, so he was a little worried about the car. Have you ever had your husband ever so sensitively try and find out if your near accident was the car's fault or because you're a crap driver? Such a sweetheart! It takes quite a lot of skill to ask a slightly hysterical woman questions without accusing her of being a terrible driver! Luckily I was able to calm down and reassure him that all was good on the car. 

But everytime I think about it I am filled with gratitude. If there were cars behind us, we could have been hit. If there were cars driving in the other direction, we would have been hit. That's the scariest for me because they would have hit directly where Sophie's car seat is. Her door would have taken the impact. My heart freezes whenever I think of the what ifs of the situation. I am so grateful that we weren't hit. I'm so grateful that the traffic was stopped at the light. I'm so grateful that Sophie didn't even notice what happened, peacefully asleep in her car seat. I am so grateful. My prayers were extra long that night, pouring out gratitude! For everything that I have - my health, my husband, my beautiful daughter. My amazing parents and in-laws. My incredible family. Supportive friends. A comfortable home and an adorable dog.

As we were driving home, going 60 in the slow lane, and holding hands, I had to giggle a little bit on the missed opportunity. I'm perfectly healthy, perfectly fine, not even a slight bit of whiplash... Which means I have no excuse not to work out this weekend. Blast.

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