Friday, December 23, 2011

Russia, part 2!

I tell you what, it is still freezing cold! Today it was windy too, and a little bit blizzardy. Is that a word? It is now! Yesterday was another wonderful day, we went to the Tretyakov gallery. It's full of gorgeous Russian art, tons of portraits, Russian icons, and beautiful jewelry as well. My favorite was Ivan Tsarevich Riding The Grey Wolf, an 1889 painting by Victor Vasnetsov. Yes, I did write all the info down so I could look it up later! My mama would be so proud! Here it is:

I think it is so gorgeous! It's based on a Russian legend, which I love so much I'm going to write here. Ivan Tsarevich was the youngest son of a Tsar who had a beautiful garden with golden apples in it. The apples were being stolen at night, and Ivan was sent to keep watch (after his two older brothers who, of course, failed.) Ivan saw a firebird, and caught it by the tail, but it was strong and flew off, leaving Ivan with only one feather. This feather was so glorious, it could light up a darkened room. Ivan showed it to his father, who sent him and his brothers off to find the whole bird.
His brothers were jealous of Ivan, so they left him alone with only a horse. Ivan soon became tired, and so fell asleep. When he awoke, all that was left of his horse was a pile of bones. He set off on foot and came upon a Grey Wolf who admitted to eating his horse, and offered him a ride.
The Wolf took him to the firebird, and gave him instructions on how to catch it, but Ivan ignored the Wolf and was caught when he was trying to steal it, and Tsar Afron, who owned, it sent him on another task, to find a horse with a golden mane in exchange for the firebird.
The Wolf took Ivan to the horse, once again giving him instructions on how to steal it without being caught, but once again, Ivan ignored the Wolf, and he was caught. Tsar Kusman told him that in exchange for the horse, Ivan must bring him the beautiful Princess Yelena, daughter of Tsar Dalmat.
This time, the Wolf decided that he would capture the Princess. He waited until the Princess was alone, and caught her in his teeth, threw him on his back, and ran off with her back to Ivan, who was waiting outside the kingdom for them.
The Wolf then carried both Yelena and Ivan back to the Tsar Kusman. However, Ivan became upset when it was time to give Yelena to the Tsar, as he had fallen in love with her. The Wolf said that he would take the shape of Yelena, and when the Tsar gave him the horse in exchange for the Wolf-Yelena, Ivan and the real Yelena were to ride as fast as possible to the Tsar Afron. Ivan joyously agreed, and the plan was set in motion.
The Wolf caught up with them right as they arrived at the Kingdom, Ivan was once again sad. The Wolf asked him what was the matter, and Ivan said he would love very much to ride up to his father's kingdom on the beautiful golden-maned horse, and asked if they could play the trick again, with the Wolf playing the horse. The Wolf agreed, and the trick worked. It didn't take long for the Wolf to catch up with Ivan and Yelena, who now possessed the horse and the beautiful firebird. The Wolf said his farewells, and sent Ivan and Yelena on their way, asking them only to remember him by his kindness.
However, Ivan and Yelena fell asleep on the way home, and were found by Ivan's elder brothers. Seeing Ivan asleep with not only the firebird, but also a glorious horse and a beautiful princess, they were blinded by jealousy, and murdered Ivan, telling Yelena if she ever told what they did, they would murder her too.
The Wolf found Ivan's murdered body, and wanted again to help his friend. He then saw a mother crow with her two babies, and kidnapped the two babies. He told the mother that he would give her babies back only if she flew to Tsar Dalmats kingdom and brought him back some life-and-death water. The crow agreed, and next morning, brought him the water. The Wolf freed the baby birds, sprinkled water on Ivan, and he awoke. The Wolf explained what had happened to him, and that Ivan's eldest brother was set to marry Yelena that very day. Ivan immediately jumped on the Wolf's back, and together they flew to the kingdom, right as Yelena and the eldest son were about to marry. Yelena saw her true love, and flew into his arms as the suprised and confused Tsar looked on, having been told that Ivan had died on their quest for the firebird. But Yelena and Ivan explained the whole story to the Tsar, helped by the Wolf, and the Tsar was so enraged he immediately sent the elder brothers to prison, and Yelena and Ivan were married that very day.
Isn't it adorable? Well that took longer to write out than I thought it would, so I will be done for today! We didn't do much after the museum anyway, we were all so tired! We played a couple games of ticket to ride, and settlers of catan, though. I didn't win, but Steve did! I talked to Daisy and Mum on the phone, did a puzzle, and then went to bed!
One more picture of Steve and I outside the museum, and I will be done!

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